Sell tokens on P2P

Written by Евгений
Updated 2 weeks ago

In Binaryx, you can withdraw your investment anytime in just a few clicks. To sell your property fraction, go to the "P2P Market" tab in the menu:

This is where Binaryx real estate investors sell their property fractions, or tokens, to each other. Please note that Binaryx charges a 5% secondary market fee.

Important: You can only sell tokens if the property sale has been completed.

Find the property that you want to sell, enter the ammount of tokens you want to sell or click "Max" and click "Sell":

After that, confirm your transaction.

Other investors will see that you placed your tokens for sale. Once someone buys them, the corresponding amount of USDT will be sent to your Wallet. Your USDT balance will increase, which will also be reflected in your Transaction history.

In the same way, on the "P2P Market", you can buy new property tokens that other investors have put on sale.

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