How Do Construction Investments Work on Binaryx?

Written by Евгений
Updated 2 weeks ago

Construction investments on Binaryx allow you to invest in real estate during its construction phase, often at significant discounts compared to completed properties. This early-stage investment offers higher potential returns due to the reduced purchase price and added value upon project completion.

  1. Selecting Reliable Developers Binaryx partners with trusted construction companies that have proven track records in their local markets. Each company undergoes thorough auditing and signs a partnership agreement to ensure transparency and accountability.

  2. Phase A: Initial Funding Investors purchase property tokens to fund the initial down payment needed to start construction. If the required amount isn’t raised within 30 days, all funds are returned to investors.

  3. Phase B: Construction Funding Once the down payment is collected, the construction begins, and investors can continue to buy property tokens during this phase. This provides flexibility for those who wish to increase their stake over time.

  4. Phase C: Completion and Sale Upon completion, the property is listed on the marketplace at market value. At this point, investors have few investment strategies for generating income.

For more information about Construction Properties, please check out our FAQ.

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